
Now posted at the Museum fuer Kommunikation, Hamburg: DIN ART 4: 560 Kuenster und 1 Formular (560 artists and 1 form). Over a twelve year period, private collector Klaus Hoemberg mailed 560 blank postcards to 560 artists, asking them to design something inside the outlines of a blank box on the front of the postcard, sign it, and mail it back. Responses ranged from Robert Longo’s “I hate the idea of mail art - thank you,” to a tangram-esque collage by British artist Tom Moseley, to “Klone Plan Misfits I-VII,” a psuedo-scientific diagram by German artist Thomas Gruenfeld (ever wondered what you get when you cross a rooster, a grouse, and a ferret?). Particularly noteworthy is Andy Goldsworthy’s contribution, a rubbing in graphite of a single leaf, its fragile veins embossed in the postcard’s blackened surface. It is both like and unlike Goldsworthy’s usual work; alike in that it underscores nature’s beauty through the artists’ intervention; unlike in that the evidence of his intervention is fixed in a medium other than photography. So go postal - the sheer volume of postcards begs two trips to the museum. Through August 18, 2002.

—Jessica Goodson

- Meredith Tromble [Tuesday, July 9th, 2002]


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