This video interview of Julia Tuake, of Jules' Funky Art Shak, was conducted by stretcher crew member Amy Berk in July of 2001 in Rarotonga, the main island of the Cook Island chain. The Cook Islands are in the South Pacific and are thought to be the site from which the Maori peoples departed on their way to Aotearoa (New Zealand). Many Cook Islanders live and work in both New Zealand and Australia, with more Cook Islanders abroad than in the Cooks. Currency for the Cooks is the New Zealand dollar as well as the Cook Island note. Islanders are related to the New Zealand Maoris and other Polynesian peoples thought to have come from the mythical island of Hawaiki. Their language is both Cook Island Maori and English. Jules' Funky Art Shak is located in the southwest of the island, near Vaimaanga.

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